Sometimes the provided graphics in Symbol Factory just do not cut it. Using Power Point for custom color gradient boxes/backgrounds, custom buttons and anything else you can create can be easily pasted into Pac Display. This opens up many design possibilities that were previously unknown with the default tools provided.

In Power Point, create the color gradient boxes, buttons or backgrounds that your project requires. In Pac Display, use the rectangle tool to draw the size of the graphic you need. Then copy and paste that template into the Power Point slide. Bring your created graphic to the front, position it over your pasted rectangle and drag to match size. Copy and paste the new graphic directly into Pac Display. Its that simple.

Here we took a simple grey HMI window for settings and updated it with color gradient backgrounds. Completely changing the look but with minimal time and effort. Spending just a small amount of time in Power Point creating the graphics templates will save loads of time when updating HMI windows for your project.